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Cookie | Local Storage | Session Storage

Cookie vs Local Storage

Storage Limit:

  • Cookies: Limited to about 4 KB of data. This limit is shared among all cookies for a given domain.
  • Local Storage: Offers significantly more storage space, usually around 5 MB per domain.

Data Handling:

  • Cookies: Data is sent with every HTTP request to the domain, including both page requests and asset requests. This can impact performance, especially when dealing with large amounts of data.
  • Local Storage: Data is not automatically sent with every HTTP request. It needs to be explicitly read and written by the web page, making it a better choice for larger amounts of data that don’t need to be transmitted with every request.


  • Cookies: Can have an expiration time set. They may be session cookies (stored until the browser is closed) or persistent cookies (stored for a specific duration).
  • Local Storage: Data persists until explicitly deleted by the web page or cleared by the user.


  • Cookies: Sent with every HTTP request, including both page requests and asset requests. They can be accessed on the server side.



Sonika | @Walmart | Frontend Developer | 11 Years
Sonika | @Walmart | Frontend Developer | 11 Years

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