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Round 1 ! Javascript Interview Preparation
7 min readApr 22, 2024
- Arrow function and what is the difference apart from syntax?
- Call, apply bind (write down the code for one of them)
- Generator Function and write a range Generator functions
- Real time example of Generator Functions?
- ES6 features
- Write down the code for spread operator, rest operator and Object destructuring?
- Difference between forEach and map?
- Difference between Object.assign(), Object.create()? Which one mutates the data ?
- What is a Promise ?
- Write a function component in react which returns a lazy loaded Button Component and add the Suspense with fallback UI?
- What is Error Boundary, How can we write a separate Error Boundary Component?
- What is Redux, Why Redux, Core principles of redux?
- Write down a basic sum function using Typescript and how do you accept params in either string or number?
- What are Generics functions (inside Typescript), can you write down types?
- SOLID Principles
- Differences between Integration Testing vs End to End testing?
- What do we mean by code coverage? How do you…