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Round 1 ! Javascript Interview Preparation

  1. Arrow function and what is the difference apart from syntax?
  2. Call, apply bind (write down the code for one of them)
  3. Generator Function and write a range Generator functions
  4. Real time example of Generator Functions?
  5. ES6 features
  6. Write down the code for spread operator, rest operator and Object destructuring?
  7. Difference between forEach and map?
  8. Difference between Object.assign(), Object.create()? Which one mutates the data ?
  9. What is a Promise ?
  10. Write a function component in react which returns a lazy loaded Button Component and add the Suspense with fallback UI?
  11. What is Error Boundary, How can we write a separate Error Boundary Component?
  12. What is Redux, Why Redux, Core principles of redux?
  13. Write down a basic sum function using Typescript and how do you accept params in either string or number?
  14. What are Generics functions (inside Typescript), can you write down types?
  15. SOLID Principles
  16. Differences between Integration Testing vs End to End testing?
  17. What do we mean by code coverage? How do you…



Sonika | @Walmart | Frontend Developer | 11 Years
Sonika | @Walmart | Frontend Developer | 11 Years

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